Center for Design ATX • Austin Foundation for Architecture - Austin Design Cruise

Austin Design Cruise

Design Cruises are held each spring and fall. The next tour will be held in September 2024.


04/24/24 Spring Tour

“Flowing Forward: Mobility and More in the Heart of Austin”

Hosted by:

Chief of Architecture and Urban Design, Austin Transit Partnership
Since 2021, Peter Mullan has served as Chief of Architecture and Urban Design for Austin Transit Partnership, the new local government corporation charged with implementing Project Connect, Austin’s multi-billion-dollar transit expansion, in collaboration with CapMetro, the City of Austin, and the entire Austin community. Peter brings decades of experience working in public space design and community engagement to the extraordinary opportunity for Project Connect to reinforce and enhance Austin’s diverse and human-centered urban fabric.
From 2015 to 2021, Peter was the CEO of the Waterloo Greenway Conservancy, building an innovative public park system around a restored Waller Creek, in partnership with the City of Austin, including the transformed Waterloo Park and new Moody Amphitheater.

Principal, VCdB Architecture & Art
Board Chair, Austin Transit Partnership
From volunteering for AIA Austin’s Architecture in Schools program, to co-writing a successful grant from City of Austin for urban forestry to plant 14 new trees at Maplewood elementary school, to participating in the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan working group working on transportation and land use, Veronica has a long history of bringing community together.
These past two years, Veronica’s volunteerism has been activated to great heights. She’s a board member of AIA Austin, and the chair of the Austin Transit Partnership Board. Austin Transit Partnership was created in 2020 to implement ProjectConnect, in partnership with CapMetro, the City of Austin, and the community, including expanded transit options throughout Austin with new light rail, a subway, and more transit services across the city.

Image: Jacqueline Gilles